The wireless revolution

Telecommunication these days is mostly wireless. It involves transmission of information without wires, cables or any other electrical conductors within a shorter distance or around the globe. Wireless communications are growing to new heights because of their huge business benefits. Wireless technology offers speed, flexibility and network efficiency. It has become a powerful tool for the tech-savvy generation as it facilitates easy information sharing and boosts productivity.

The first wireless transmitters went on the air in the early 20th century using radiotelegraphy, which is radio communication using Morse code or coded signals. Later, as modulation made it possible to transmit voice and music wirelessly, the medium became known as radio. Wireless transmitters use electromagnetic waves to carry voice, data, video or signals over a communication path.

The groundwork for modern wireless networking was laid in the early 1970s with the launch of ALOHAnet in Hawaii. The network relied on ultra-high frequency signals to broadcast data among the islands. The technology underpinning ALOHAnet helped fuel the creation of Ethernet in 1973 and played an important role in the development of 802.11, the first wireless standard.

The different types of wireless technologies include:

Infrared (IR) wireless communication: This type of communication is used for short and medium-range communication where information is transferred through IR radiation, an electromagnetic energy that has a longer wavelength than red light. A photo LED transmitter and a photodiode receptor are required. The LED transmitter transmits the IR signal in the form of nonvisible light, that is captured by the photoreceptor. Examples include mobile phones, televisions, security systems etc.

Satellite communication: In this mode of communication, the signal is sent to the satellite, which the satellite amplifies and sends back to the antenna receiver which is located on the surface of the earth. Satellite communication mainly contains two components: space segment and ground segment. Example: radio communication.

In satellite communication, GPS or global positioning system is a subcategory. This kind of system is used to help by providing different wireless services such as speed, location, navigation, positioning using satellites and GPS receivers. Global positioning systems enable car and truck drivers, boat and ship captains, and aircraft pilots to ascertain their location anywhere.

Wi-Fi: This mode of communication uses routers to transfer information wirelessly and thereby allows users within the proximity of the router to access the network. These networks must be protected with passwords for security, otherwise intruders can access the network posing a threat to sensitive information. Example: Electronic devices like smart phones, laptops, etc.

Mobile communication systems: In this mode of communication, users use mobile phones to communicate across a single frequency band. Cellular phones provide connectivity for portable and mobile applications, both personal and business. Cordless telephones are limited-range devices within a home that include a base tethered to a wall with cordless handsets.

Bluetooth Technology: This mode of communication permits you to connect to various electronic devices wirelessly for data transfer. Example: Cell phones that are connected to hands-free earphones, mouse, wireless keyboard.

The radio uses a transmitter to transmit data in the form of radio waves to a receiving antenna. The broadcast happens either in simulcast or syndication or both. Radio broadcasting may be done via cable FM, the net and satellites. A broadcast sends information over long distances at up to two megabits/sec (AM/FM Radio). These waves have completely different frequency segments.

A paging system allows one-way communication to a huge audience. This kind of paging system allows the speaker to give clear, amplified commands throughout a capacity. When the person communicates through a telephone, the message will be broadcasted throughout the speakers of the system. An employee can just lift the phone, choose the paging system and broadcast.

Radar is an electromagnetic sensor or detection system used to track, locate, detect and identify targets of different types at significant distances. This can be done by sending electromagnetic energy in the direction of targets. Here the targets may be ships, astronomical bodies, aircraft, spacecraft, automotive vehicles, insects, etc.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one kind of wireless communication that uses electrostatic coupling to exclusively identify a person, item or animal. It is used in manufacturing, healthcare, shipping, home use, retail sales, inventory management, etc. RFID and barcode technology are used in related methods to track inventory.

Deploying any type of network securely is always a challenging act and wireless is no different. To protect valuable data against any potential attacks, it is important to plan and follow proper security measures before and after implementing wireless networks.

Glow’s role

Glow is a natural leader when it comes to the adoption of wireless technology. With more than 20 years of experience, our satisfied clientele is proof of our expertise in implementing the latest advances in technology.

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