Putting automation to the test

Testing automation is a software testing technique that uses special automated testing software tools to execute a test case suite. Automation testing software can enter test data into the system under test, compare expected and actual results and generate detailed test reports. Software test automation demands considerable investments of money and resources.

Testing automation is the best way to increase effectiveness, test coverage, and execution speed. The following steps are followed in an automation process: test tool selection, defining scope of automation, planning, design & development, test execution and maintenance. The right selection of automation tool, testing process, and team, are important players for automation to be successful.

There are four types of frameworks used in automation software testing: Data driven automation framework, keyword driven automation framework, modular automation framework and hybrid automation framework. To get maximum ROI of automation, the scope of automation needs to be determined in detail before the start of the project. This sets expectations from automation right.

The benefits of automation testing include: being 70% faster than manual testing, wider test coverage of application features, reliable results, consistency, saving time and cost, improving accuracy, disposing of human intervention, increase in efficiency, better speed in executing tests, re-usable test scripts, testing frequently and thoroughly, achieving more and early time to market.

The telecom service includes components such as cables, networks, signals and protocols, and their testing necessitates a wide range of testing techniques. The testing techniques and strategy used are heavily influenced by the component of telecom being tested. The test requirement, scope, test scenarios, testing methodology, and testing tools vary, depending on the type of testing involved.

For telecom testing, end-to-end service verification is important. For efficient testing, a good understanding of the business process is a must. You need to understand each stage of service deliverability before drafting the test cases. Telecom services are either based on a business support system (BSS) that includes IVRs, Call Centers, or an operation support system (OSS).

OSS supports back-office activities like telecom network, provisioning, maintaining customer service, inventory etc. BSS deals with Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) and processes such as generating invoices, IVR Call Centers, taking orders, processing bills, collecting payments, etc.

The types of testing performed on telecom software include the following: interconnection testing, conformance testing, IVR testing, performance testing, security testing, interoperability testing, protocol testing, functional testing and automation testing.

Due to the growing demand from the buyers and growing capabilities in the technological field, testing is exponential for service providers and telecommunication manufacturers. This is achieved by using automation framework for an end-to-end testing. Different testing types can be automated using automation framework like device testing, network testing, system testing.

An automated telecom solution provides consistent testing which can be customized based on the project requirements. Automation in the telecom industry reduces errors drastically and completes the entire process flow within a short period of time. Automation guarantees the correct execution of telecom process flow which gains the confidence of the customer.

Testing makes sure that all those business-critical systems and processes are working as intended. The most common processes under test in the telecom industry are: CRM & ERP, order and fraud management, customer case, network management, mediation, provisioning, EAI, billing, revenue assurance and data warehousing.

Testing automation increases agility, efficiency and test coverage. These, in turn, decrease the length of the test cycle while improving the quality of a business’s digital ecosystem, hence shortening the time to market. Automation would allow for quicker detection and resolution.

If we want to develop efficient end-to-end testing, we must find a solution that facilitates collaboration between testing teams. No-code automation tools are a better option for telcos due to their collaborative and business-centric nature.

Removing programming knowledge from the equation means that more people, with each of their diverse sets of skills can work seamlessly together to build automation; for rapid, scalable, end-to-end test automation that breaks down silos and delivers immediate results.

Essentially, this new approach shifts the skills and competence requirements behind automation. Additional roles and skill sets become available and relevant for successful automation. And, more importantly, it makes automation possible without being fully dependent on developer resources.

Glow’s role

Glow makes sure that proper testing automation protocol is adopted in the rollout of telecom services globally. Telecom testing is religiously followed in the installation of 5G services to guarantee satisfied customers and clients. Testing automation makes sure the quality of the telecom services is maintained and there are no technical glitches in implementation.

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